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Today’s companies, educators and individuals are striving to improve performance, do more with less, effectively manage change, and become better learning and thinking organisations. Tony Buzan Practitioner Course is certified in three specific disciplines, mind mapping, speed reading and memory skills.

Tony Buzan Certified Practitioner Course in Mind Mapping does just that by teaching you how to Mind Map, providing an opportunity for you to learn and think more creatively, and experiencing learning in a way that expands their mental capabilities.

The course can help you or your organizations to keep up to date with the rapid changes of the world. It is open to students, teachers, any member of a corporate or educational team as well as individuals wanting to understand Mind Mapping principles and re-awaken your natural genius. There are no pre-requisites required for participants to join your course, just a willingness to learn! Everyone is a potential Leonardo da Vinci before a limit is placed on his/her thinking abilities.

In today’s world we are bombarded with ever more data. Simply to keep pace with change we must read and assimilate more and more information from books, journals, newspapers, magazines, websites and emails. Speed Reading is becoming an essential life skill.

Tony Buzan Speed Reading Practitioner Course in Speed Reading shows learning individuals how to dramatically improve their reading speed whist maintaining or improving comprehension and understanding. It will give you the ability to choose how fast or slowly they read. The course is open to students, teachers, or any member of a corporate or educational team as well as individuals wanting to improve the general reading speed.

Memory is the basis of all learning. A well trained memory is an essential lifeskill. Tony Buzan Certified Practitioner Course in memory skills is for those who want to improve general memory for life or in a Memory Championships. The course can help learning individuals and organizations how to take charge of memories and dramatically improve the powers of recalling.

If you want to attend any of the courses above, please check the Tony Buzan Certified Practitioner Course list. Choose the Tony Buzan Licensed Instructor that you like to start your journey.

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